
Fill is used to generate multiple values from an existing formula. It extends a user-defined formula to multiple cells with appropriate modifications in the formula. One advantage worth mentioning in SheetKraft's Fill operation is dynamic inclusion of new data into the formula i.e. even if new data are added to the table after defining the Fill operation, they can be operated upon without setting up Fill again.{.content-description}

Sample Data

We will consider a sample sheet containing details of ISINs and its description. Our aim is to find the 4-digit code from ISIN which is unique for the Security Issuer. For eg. BANK OF INDIA SR-4 9.95 BD PERPETUAL FVRS10LAC and BANK OF INDIA SR-II 11.5 BD PERPETUAL FVRS10LAC both will have the code 084A for Bank of India.

Sample Data

Step 1

Create a formula which you want to apply to the whole data. In this illustration, the formula used is =MID(A2,4,4).


Step 2

Click on the Fill command under SheetKraft.

Fill operation selected

Step 3

A window will appear, then select the cell which is required to be copied downwards.

Fill window

Step 4

After selecting the cell, click on the marked tab.

Formula Select

Step 5

SheetKraft will automatically select the downward row range, if it matches with your requirement, then go ahead and click on Next otherwise click on the marked tab.

Rows range

Step 6

Select the range manually or enter the indices.

Rows range

Step 7

In interpret selection, you will have two options.
1. As non-blank rows: If you select this option, any further data which you append to the sheet can be dynamically operated by the Fill function which you have defined.
2. As is: If you are selecting this option, any new data can't be operated by the previously defined Fill function.

Rows range

Step 8

Click on OK. Rows range

Step 9

Click on Next to finish the process. Rows range

Final Result

Rows range

Specify Number of Rows

Sample Data

We will consider a sample sheet containing details of ISINs and its description. Our aim is to find the 4-digit code from ISIN which is unique for the Security Issuer. For eg. BANK OF INDIA SR-4 9.95 BD PERPETUAL FVRS10LAC and BANK OF INDIA SR-II 11.5 BD PERPETUAL FVRS10LAC both will have the code 084A for Bank of India.

Sample Data

Step 1

Create a formula which you want to apply to the whole data. In this illustration, the formula used is =MID(A2,4,4).


Step 2

Click on the Fill command under SheetKraft.

Fill operation selected

Step 3

A window will appear, then select the cell which is required to be copied downwards.

Fill window

Step 4

After selecting the cell, click on the marked tab.

Formula Select

Step 5

Specify the target number of rows directly (height of target range).

Rows range

Step 6

Enter the number of rows manually or select a cell containing that number and then click on the marked tab.

Number of rows

Step 7

Click on Next to finish the process. Rows range

Final Result

Rows range