
Function names are provided on left while their descriptions are on the right.

Import Functions
DataFromDatabase Fills the values in the target cells by reading from a Database specified.
DataFromDBF.SK Import data from a DBF File
DataFromDCF Imports data from DBF.
DataFromEmail.SK Imports mail details from an Email
DataFromExcel Imports data from an Excel source and pastes it at a target location.
DataFromHtml.SK Imports data from a HTML file and pastes it in the target location
DataFromJson Imports data from a Json source and pastes it at a target location.
DataFromText Imports data from a delimited or fixed
DataFromWeb Imports data from a web source and pastes it at a target location.
DataFromXml Imports data from a Xml source and pastes it at a target location.
Export Functions
ExportRows (Deprecated. Use ExportToText.SK instead.) Exports the given range into a text file.
ExportSheets Exports the contents of one or more worksheets to an external file.
ExportToDatabase Exports the given range into a database
ExportToDBF Exports the given range into a DBF file.
ExportToExcel Exports the given range into an Excel file.
ExportToText Exports the given range into a text file.
ExportToWord Generates a Word file.
ExportToXml Generates an XML file.
GenerateXml (Deprecated. Use ExportToXml.SK instead.) Generates an XML file.
Export to Excel (Template) Used to anchor cells in Export to excel(Template)
Container.SK Used to get information of grouping the area elements in export to excel(Template)
Enforce.SK Property of an element to force other elements in export to excel(Template)
FormatCells.SK Used for conditional formatting of the template cells in UsingTemplate.SK
RepeatDown.SK Used to get the information of repeating down data in Export to Excel(Template)
RepeatedRanges.SK Used in Export to Excel(Template) repeat to mark repeated ranges
RepeatRight.SK Used to get the information of repeating right data in Export to Excel(Template)
TemplateCells.SK Used to mark reportinf cells in Export to Excel(Template)
UsingTemplate.SK Used to print data in Export to Excel(Template)
Conditional Functions
And Returns false if any of the operand is false.
Or Returns true if any of the operand is true.
Validate Validates a condition and reports a custom message.
EQ Returns true if both the operands are identical else false.
NEQ Returns false if both the operands are identical else true.
EndsWith Tests whether a provided text ends with a given subtext.
ContainsText Tests whether a provided text contains a given subtext.
StartsWith Tests whether a provided text starts with a given subtext.
CompareRows Compares the rows in two tables and returns an array that can be used to identify changes. The rows in the two tables should be roughly in the same order for this function to return useful results.
FilterBy Used to filter the data in QueryRows.
PartitionBy Used to partition the data.
SortBy Used to sort the data in QueryRows.
Regex Functions
RegexMatch Tests whether an input string is exactly matched by a regular expression.
RegexReplace Takes an input string and replaces all matches of a regular expression by a replace pattern.
RegexSearch Takes an input string and finds the first match by a regular expression. Returns a horizontal array of values matching the groups in the regular expression.
RegexSearchAll Takes an input string and finds all matches by a regular expression. Returns an array of rows per match. Each row has values matching the groups in the regular expression.
RegexSplit Splits an input string into an array of substrings at the positions defined by a regular expression pattern.
Count Functions
CountDown Returns the height of the region of non
CountRight Returns the width of the region of non
HTTP Functions
HttpRequest.SK Creates a HTTP Session
HttpStart.SK Creates a HTTP Session
DownloadFiles Downloads files from range of urls.
URLEncode Returns Encoded URL with parameter names and values
UrlEncodedParams.SK Marks parameters for URL encoding inside HttpRequest.
FTP Functions
FtpDownload.SK Used to Download File via FTP
FtpListDirectory.SK Used to list content of a remote directory via FTP
FtpUpload.SK Used to upload file via FTP
Email Functions
EmailAttachments Used to gather atttachment information in email
EmailBody Generates a html email body.
EmailDetails.SK Used to get the details in an Email
EmailFile.SK Specifies the email file to be sent
SendEmail Used to send an email.
Random Functions
RandomCauchy Pastes vectors of independent random numbers based on the Cauchy distribution at a target location. Each column of the result is an independent variable.
RandomFisherF Pastes vectors of independent random numbers based on the Fisher F distribution at a target location. Each column of the result is an independent variable.
RandomLogNormal Pastes vectors of independent random numbers based on the log normal distribution at a target location. Each column of the result is an independent variable.
RandomNormal Pastes vectors of independent random numbers based on the normal distribution at a target location. Each column of the result is an independent variable.
RandomUniform Pastes vectors of independent random numbers based on the uniform continuous distribution at a target location. Each column of the result is an independent variable.
RandomUniformBetween Pastes vectors of independent random numbers based on the uniform discrete distribution at a target location. Each column of the result is an independent variable.
FinalSeed Gets the seed value of the generator that can be used to generate the next random values in a sequence.
Date Time Function
DateValueEx Returns numerical date value of the given date text according to the provided format text.
EDATE Returns the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date
EOPERIOD Returns the last date of the period after adding the number of periods in the second argument
NOW Returns time of the last run
Format Function
FormatAsTable Applies a table style to a destination range
FormatBorders Copies borders from a source range to a destination range
FormatCellContents Copies number format, font, font size, font style, color and background from a source range to a destination range.
Text Manipulation
JoinText Combines the text with the given delimiter.
MergeCellsInColumn.SK Merge same values in a column
MergeCellsInRow.SK Merge cells in a row based on same value cells in a criteria range. If criteria range is not specified then the same values are merged. This operation is only performed in Export to Sheets
Data Generation
Combinations Returns an array of all possible combinations of rows from its arguments.
FillDown Copies a range of cells downwards over a range of the specified height.
FillRight Copies a range of cells rightwards over a range of the specified width.
MergeCellsInRow.SK Merge cells in a row based on same value cells in a criteria range. If criteria range is not specified then the same values are merged. This operation is only performed in Export to Sheets
ReshapeColumns Returns an array of a desired size produced by arranging the values of the input array. Columns are accessed left to right. Within each column, values are accessed top to bottom.
ReshapeRows Returns an array of a desired size produced by arranging the values of the input array. Rows are accessed top to bottom. Within each row, values are accessed left to right.
String Converter
TableToText.SK Converts a table arrary to a single text value
TextToColumns Converts a column of delimited or fixed
TextToTable.SK Converts text value to table array
Array Function
SelectRows Returns an array of filtered columns based on a condition. Columns where the condition evaluates to TRUE are included in the result. Other columns are excluded. If no condition is specified, columns with error values are excluded.
ContinueArray Returns a chunk of the result of an array formula.
GetRegionColumns Returns a a 2 column array. The first row contains column numbers of the first and last columns with a non blank cell in the entire range. Subsequent rows contain column numbers of the first and last columns of non blank regions within the range.
GetRegionRows Returns a a 2 column array. The first row contains row numbers of the first and last rows with a non blank cell in the entire range. Subsequent rows contain row numbers of the first and last rows of non blank regions within the range.
WriteArray Expands a formula as an array.
StackColumns Returns an array produced by arranging the values of each input argument from left to right.
StackRows Returns an array produced by arranging the values of each input array one below the other.
Region Function
RegionAcross Returns the largest region of non blank cells that is bounded by a fully blank row and column.
RegionDown Returns the region of non blank cells downwards from the specified row range.
RegionRight Returns the region of non blank cells rightwards from the specified column range.
Range Function
RangeAcross Returns a range of cells downwards and rightwards from the specified cell with the specified height and width.
RangeDown Returns a range downwards from the specified row range with the specified height.
RangeRight Returns a range rightwards from the specified column range with the specified width.
ZIP Function
ExtractZip.SK Extracts the given ZIP File
CMD Function
CommandLine.SK Constructs a command line from a program name and argument
RunCommand uses cmd.exe to run a command. The output / errors produced by the command can be pasted into the worksheet.
Pivot Function
PivotRowsBy Row label(s) in a pivot table. Used to sort the data in QueryRows.
PivotTable Returns an array of filtered columns based on a condition, and after pivoting by columns.
Look Up
VLookup Matches each row of a given data set in a second data set and returns values from specified columns in matching rows of the second data set. #N/A values are returned for rows without a match.
MatchBy Used to match a column in Vlookup.SK.
VLookup2D Matches each row of a given data set in a second data set and returns value from cell in matching row
MultiMatchBy Used to group columns before match multi to one column in Vlookup.SK.
Report Function
GetAllFiles Get all files from a given location.
GetCurrentUser.SK Used to get the details of the current user
GetOutput.SK Returns the activity output value
WaitForActivity.SK Returns Activity Run Status
Identity Returns the input as passed to the funtion.
Index Returns an array of values at the given row and column locations from source arrays.
IntoFiles Used to get file name after partition the data in files.
LoadFile Returns file path from File Id .
RefAddress Returns the full address of a range in A1 format.
Report Used to report a column in QueryRows.
ReportHeaders Used to report a column name.
SerialNumber.SK Returns Sequence of specified numbers of rows starting from Start Number.
SheetNames Pastes a vertical array of sheet names in a specified workbook to a specified location.
SolveFunction Finds the value at which the specified function evaluates to zero.
StoreFile Returns file Id of a file from a table in database.
SQL Function
DeleteRowsFromTable Deletes the given range from the database table
SqlProc Used to form Sql procedure name.
SqlTable Used to form Sql table name.
Offset Function
OffsetDown Offsets a range downwards by a specified number of rows while ensuring that the result range lies within a nonblank region or within an area of a specified height.
OffsetRight Offsets a range rightwards by a specified number of columns while ensuring that the result range lies within a nonblank region or within an area of a specified width.
Path Function
RelativePath Constructs a path relative to the active workbook or library.
ResolveFilePath.SK Resolve the given file path with respect to the transaction sandbox
StaticPath.SK Constructs a path relative to active workbook or library
TempPath.SK Generates a temporary path without creating a file
CallFunction Calls a function with the parameters, passed in the exact same order as per the original function specification.
DefineFunction Defines a custom function with the specified name. If there are no Output arguments, last argument identifies the result.
FixRef References in the given expression are not considered as lambdas.
Formula Formula Info details
Headers Headers above data info for the arguments of the function
HorizontalDir Static Fields range in horizontal direction in ExportToWord.SK.
IntoTable.SK Used to process the data in Export to Excel
RemoveDuplicates Returns an array of unique rows from a range or array by removing duplicates according to an optional criterion.
StartActivity Enables an activity to be run multiple times with different sets of arguments. If there are no Output arguments, last argument identifies the result.
VerticalDir Static Fields range in vertical direction in ExportToWord.SK.