Export To Excel

This function is used to export the data in a new excel worksheet. Sheetkraft contains the export to excel option which can be accessed by the Export button which is present in the sheetkraft toolbar (See figure)

Export To Excel

Select the range of data that is to be exported

Export To Excel

The following dialogue box will be opened.

Export To Excel

Case 1: Export as an independent export:

  • Follow the above steps and open that dialogue box.
  • Choose the export as independent export option.
  • There are various Export Specifications present. Let’s go into detail of each specification: A. Into a table: This export function will export the data in a table format. This further has three options.

    1. Single Sheet: This option will export all the data into one table in a single sheet.

      Export To Excel
      The output would be as follows:

      Export To Excel
    2. Multiple Sheets: This will export the data into one workbook with various sheets. There is an option to partition the data based on any column from the exported data, in the figure below, I have partitioned the data by company. Thus, every company will have a sheet of its own. The sheets will be named after the companies.

    Export To Excel

    The output would be as follows:

    Export To Excel

    1. Multiple Files: This will export the data into various workbooks. There is an option to partition the data based on any column from the exported data, in the figure below, I have partitioned the data by company. Thus, every company will have a workbook of its own. The workbooks will be named after the companies.

    Export To Excel

    The output would be as follows:

    Export To Excel
    Export To Excel

    • Additional functions during the export into a table format:

      File Location: In the File Path, click on the three dots on the extreme right, browse and save the file wherever you want to. If you want to save the file output in the same folder as the activity, check the box which says File’s location is relevant to workbook’s location.

      Export To Excel

      Sheet Name: You can choose a range of cell/cells which have the sheet names that you would want in your output (Optional)

      Password: You can choose a cell which has the password that you would want in your output. This is usually used in confidential files. (Optional)

      Export To Excel

      Column Specification:
      This consists of the following:

      • Column: This shows all the columns from the data that will be exported.
      • Header: This shows the headers of every column, you can change the headers if required.
      • '#N/A' to Blank Format: Check this box if you want the #N/A cells to be blank in the output.
      • Format: This has two formats: m/d/yyyy and d/m/yyyy.

      Export To Excel

      • Export Condition: You can add any formula if needed for the export column. You can choose a cell which has the relevant formula (Optional)
      • In Column Specification area, we can move/alter columns using the following buttons:
        “+”: This helps to add columns from the exported data.
        “+ All”: You can use this to add ALL the columns from the exported data.
        “X All”: This button helps to remove all the columns from the exported data.
        “X Select”: You can use this button to select any specific columns and remove them.
        “Select”: This contains a dropdown list which has All, None and Invert. All is used to select all the columns in the column specification, None is used to deselect the selections and Invert is used to invert the arrangement of the selected columns.
        “UP and DOWN”: These two buttons are present next to select, it helps to move the columns up and down according to the need.

      Export To Excel

    B. Using A Template: This export function will export the data in a specific template.

    Export To Excel

    Similar to the table export, you can choose if you want to export it into a single sheet, multiple sheets or multiple files. The process for all three is the same as mentioned above.

    C. As is: This export function will export the data as it is.

    Export To Excel

    All you need to add is file location, Sheet Name(Optional),Password(Optional).

Case 2: Modify files produced by another export:

  • This kind of export is used when the export is dependent on another export. The various options available are shown in the picture below.

Export To Excel

Step 1:

Choose the range which has the formula of the function that should be executed first.

Export To Excel

Step 2:

Choose either of the three options:
Option 1: Insert or replace sheet
This will insert or replace the sheet with the data range that is selected. The Output would be as follows:

Export To Excel

Option 2: Append Below
This will add the specified data range below the previous range that was selected in step 1. You can put a number in the gap and it will leave that amount of rows empty.

Export To Excel

Output would be as follows:

Export To Excel

Option 3: Append Right
This will add the specified data range to the right of the previous range that was selected in step 1. You can put a number in the gap and it will leave that amount of columns empty.

Export To Excel

The output would be as follows:

Export To Excel

Step 3:

Follow the same steps mentioned in case 1 for Export Specifications.